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Thanks to the advent of these and a host of other new technologies, we are currently living through a period of immense change. None of these tools even existed a few years ago, and now they constitute a key part of our everyday lives. And they have begun to permeate our professional lives too, leading many to question whether new and emerging technology will have a transformational impact on fundraising.
There are many who believe that it will. But,there are just as many who are yet to be convinced… As evidenced by these differing opinions, a great deal of uncertainty and confusion continues to surround technology in the sector, related not only to its impact but also to what exactly the tools are and how they should be used. It seems as though every week there is some new tool or platform that comes out. Do we need to keep up? What do they do? And what should our organizations be using?
In this edition of Philanthropic Trends Quarterly, we endeavour to cut through the noise, clutter and confusion to provide fundraisers, communicators and others in the non-profit sector with answers to some of these questions.As well,we hope to arm you with the information you need to decide how best to integrate new technology options into your programs and strategies.