Apr 2019

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As we’ve observed changes in how the generosity of Canadians is being expressed over the last few years, it begs the question if the relevance of the charitable sector is starting to get lost a little. Do Canadians really understand the essentialness of what we do and what our impact is…and what society would look like without us?  And so, similar to the way organizations build a “case for support” for themselves, there has been an awakening of late for the need to “advocate”, educate and build a case for our sector as a whole.

In this episode, we speak to three sector leaders about this issue.  We hear from Sandy Richardson, CEO and Lori Elder, Board Director, about how the Victoria Foundation’s recently released report, Civil Society Impact: Measuring the Economic and Social Activity in the Victoria Capital Region, has built a compelling case for the sector in Victoria. And we hear from Bruce MacDonald, President and CEO of Imagine Canada, who shares the pan-Canadian perspective of the need for and impact of the sector across the country…including a part of the story we don’t often talk about – our economic impact.

For more information on the future of Canada’s social deficit, read Imagine Canada’s discussion paper Charities, Sustainable Funding and Smart Growth.

Recorded at the studios of Toast+Jam, Toronto.

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