Maintaining Momentum in Uncertain Times – Bulletin 1
As we see the world responding to the COVID-19 situation, we know that there is a significant amount of uncertainty
As we see the world responding to the COVID-19 situation, we know that there is a significant amount of uncertainty
How many fundraisers do you need to meet your fundraising targets?
How do we chart a course for clear sailing into the next decade? What are the critical trends and factors we need to heed?
Vancouver’s Union Gospel Mission is a case study in campaign fundraising “best practice” in a number of ways. Raising money for a new women’s shelter, it is closing in on its $19 million private sector target after less than a year of active fundraising.
2018 was a record setting year on the stock market…but not in the way anyone would want.
Campaigns continue to be unrivalled as a means to attract the attention and investment of donors, mobilize volunteers and raise significant amounts of money.